St Isidore Elementary School

St. Isidore School's mission is to create disciples of faith who grow in faith, character, service and knowledge.
Our Philosophy of Education
The philosophy of education at St. Isidore Catholic School is to provide ample opportunities for our community members to grow spiritually, intellectually, culturally, physically, and emotionally in order to be better prepared for lives of service to Christ as productive, Catholic citizens of our community, country, and world.
St. Isidore Catholic School includes in its program: standards-based instruction in academics, Catholic faith formation, character education, service opportunities and spiritual experiences. A combination of Catholic Doctrine and the support of a strong Christian home allow the Catholic youth of our school the opportunity to develop strong faith and Christian principles. The comprehensive, standards-based curriculum of St. Isidore School is aligned to the Nebraska Department of Education’s state standards and the Archdiocese of Omaha standards. It has been carefully designed to provide outstanding educational opportunities for the Catholic youth of our parish.
We believe that each person is a unique and sacred individual worthy of respect and dignity. Our school community is enriched by the students, families, and staff that make St. Isidore School their educational and faith home. Each of us are called by God to become personally and actively involved in the St. Isidore School community. Each of us are entrusted with a job to do -- one that has been given to no one else. Whoever and wherever we are, each of us has an opportunity to help shape the St. Isidore School community.
With this philosophy in mind, the Board of Education, administration, and faculty devote themselves to providing the highest quality PK-6 elementary program of Catholic education.
We would love for you to join our St. Isidore School family! Contact the office today! 402.564.2604